Search Results
If you are going to live, leave a legacy.
Name | Surname | Continent | Country | Province/Region | City/Town | Birth date | Date of passing | Age | Relation |
Heather | Vermaak | Africa | South Africa | Gauteng | Pretoria | 13 September 1972 | 15 September 2021 | Friend | |
Barry | Williams | Australia, Oceania | Australia | NSW | Sydney | 4 October 1951 | 7 October 2021 | Father | |
Victor | Le Mont | Europe | France | Bretagne | Rennes | 2 June 1995 | 16 September 2020 | Brother | |
Helen | Pretorius | Australia, Oceania | New Zealand | Otago | Dunedin | 24 November 1971 | 11 May 2021 | 49 years | Sister |
Frequently Asked
Will the information be available to everyone?
The purpose of the site:
The purpose of this site is to remember those lovedones we have lost to Covid 19.
Personal information of those who have submitted details of their lovedones:
Important to note is that the details (name, surname and email address) of the person who is submitting the deceased’s information to us are only required for auditing puproses and to ensure that we have legitimate details on this site of loved ones who have passed away. Your name, surname and email address will never be shared, made public or be sold to a third party. Although your name, surname and email address is required to upload the details of your lovedone/s, it will not be visible when searches are done. Your information will never be shared or made public.
The information of all lovedones:
This information is searchable by continent, country and town and is public.
Can I submit as many people as I want?
Yes your are welcome to do so.
Can I edit/remove a name from the database?
Yes you are welcome to. Please send us an email to and we will delete / edit the information.
Why doesn't the name display after I added it?
Please note that the site is updated automatically and we are making it a top priority that the population of the information is timeous. Should you not see the information after a few hours , please reach out to me at
I submitted the wrong details, what next?
Please send us an email to and we will edit and update the information on your behalf.